Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Flowers

African Violets are a VERY good thing!!

I like them!!!


I have been raising these for years.  They are really very easy to maintain.  They need fertilizer, south or west window and most important but simple, just always water them from the bottom.  They bloom like this for months and about the time the blooms start fading they are putting on NEW ones.  I have some pale pink and white ones too.

This blog post is courtesy of THE NEW blogger interface.  YEY ME!  Thanks to all the gals who gave me great TIPS and SUGGESTIONS on my previous post.  I guess I just never read any of the blogger info or watched any of the helpful videos.  This was sooooo easy!  THANKS BLOGGER BUDDIES!!!


  1. Beautiful. My father-in-law grows these too. He has a bunch of them sitting on a a west window.

  2. I love African Violets--I have also raised them for years. Just gave a few away, so now I have 10. I think the white is my favorite, but I have some mulit-colored that I love, as well.
    Mine actually do beautifully in a North facing window over my kitchen sink. You are right--they are easier than people think.
    Congrats on getting the knack of the new blogger. Looks great!

  3. Love them also--yours are beautiful! and mine are in the North facing family room window like Janet O's.

  4. I love African Violets too but never have much luck growing them ie keeping them alive. Yours are beautiful. My nana had a real green thumb with them but I obviously didn't inherit it from her! If someone had told us how frustrating Blogger could be at times I'm sure half of us would never have started this 'hobby'! I just get it sorted and then something changes!

  5. Your violets are amazing! My grandmother used to grow them and I'm carrying on the tradition! I should take pictures of some of mine one of these days! Congrats on using the new blogger! :0)

  6. I'd love to grow african violets like yours. When my kids were little I stopped growing plants in the house. I was too overwhelmed with growing kids! My youngest is off to college next fall. Maybe I will treat myself to some violets - his bedroom faces south!

  7. I can't grow them. They don't like me.

    Glad you've got your photos sorted out.

  8. Regular watering of plants is required? No wonder I have a yellow thumb--the plants don't die but look damn awful.

    Loved your camping trip--lucky you! How'd you do with getting the marshmallow fluff out?

  9. Very pretty - my friend Lois grows them beautifully but I've not even tried - not that interested in the mess in the house of houseplants I guess. LOL But yours are lovely. Are you ready for a surprise?

  10. Your violets are so pretty! We have one violet plant on the window sill that cheer up the kitchen.
    Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend :)
