Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Daisy Cottage

This is what you'll see as you walk toward my porch.............

But this is what you'll see when you get up on the porch. This is how my furniture has been for the last 2 months!!!!! And I have just as much wisteria growing inside the porch as I do outside the porch. I just love it wondering and wild, but hubby doesn't see it the same way I do. So far he's agreed not to trim it yet. We have just had storms and wind off and on for 2 months now. That is why there is nothing on my front porch but a pile of beat up wicker. Believe it or not, the chairs are supposed to be where I am standing taking the picture. Yep, the wind makes my front porch just like a pool table with my cute stuff rolling around like those little balls. I titled this Dear Daisy Cottage because I just love reading Kim's post and looking at her yummy pictures. I must say I've had some nashing of the teeth lately as I look at her beautifully quoffed front porch and then I go out and look at mine.

This old rod iron gate is the only thing heavy enough to not blow away, it's very heavy. I just love it!!

I picked up my wreath and hung it back up.......notice there's not anything on it!! I think I need some heavier wire to hold things on with. I even considered decorating it and then shrink wrapping the whole thing so everything wouldn't keep blowing off, and then when I have to keep bringing it in and out that ole grapevine trash won't keep falling off on my floor. It would work the same as keeping plastic on your new furniture or the plastic wrap on your lamp shades (lol).
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  1. Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog, I'm so happy to have inspired you to make a wonky house quilt! These photos of your porch are so dreamy to me. We're city-dwellers right now, but we so long for the small-town, porch, actually know your neighbors thing :)

  2. Hi Belinda- Thanks for checking out my new blog site. I will definitly be putting you on my blog list. I love your home and decorating. Before I moved to Southern Utah I used to have a country home with covered porches. We sold everything, and built a Pueblo style home that is more fitting to our area. My husband loves it, but I'm still missing my "country life style". --Nedra

  3. I've been going back through your blog. That's my kind of house... warm, inviting, cozy. When can I move in? B E A U T I F U L !

  4. You are soooooooooo sweet!!
    If you saw my porch today you would be very disappointed! ;-)
    BUT I'm off to get some new plants for my pots and hopefully they will stay alive for awhile - it is hot here!
    Thank you for your kind words about my blog too! Yours is just lovely!
